Monday, April 18, 2005

The Most Awesome Thing Ever (and by ever I mean today)

Part of my job description is to ready all of the items that customers want to ship to other places for Fedex to pickup and deliver. Due to our close proximity to the local jail and since loved ones can only ship reading materials to prisoners through a bookstore, I end up sending a lot of Maxim and other like periodicals to horny criminals (the only rule on porn: no penetration. Guess whose job it is to check on that).

Today I shipped this.

I hope that prisoner enjoys sodomy, because when his cellmates see that, he's gonna be somebody's butt monkey.


At September 30, 2005 at 10:04 PM, Blogger Nick said...

When you arrive in NY and get your first paycheck for publishing I want a full review of the Serendipity Frozen Hot Chocolate.

For info go to:

Goodluck and remember to update,



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